Tuesday, November 30, 2004

blogs of note? hardly

No offense blogger staff, but the blogs that you 'oh so selectively' choose for your grand blogs of note section are not so noteworthy. I've probably read one blog that actually deserved to be up there. The rest are a bore. There's a pattern too, they are usually blogs that tends to cater to some kind of current event or pop culture. For instance, I don't know how much longer it will be there but there's one right now called "Yanks Red Sox 2004". It's totally lame. There are a lot of lame blogs out there but the problem with this one is that I was tricked into thinking it was good by the blogger staff. Then there are the blogs that get a ton of hits because they speak of something controversial or have some topic that pisses people off. There is no better way to attain an audiences attention then to piss them off. What happened to posting a blog under blogs of note because of the substance within the blog? Did that ever exist? What about substance, literary devices, talent, use of humor, etc.? I suppose that's passe. Well, I know I'll never be a blog of note and for that I am proud.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

I've been self conscious about my excess body hair since the tender grade school years when the boys on the jungle gym used to call me "werewolf" and proceed to howl at me. My legs and arms were particularly hairy and my mom wouldn't let me shave, so I maintained a reputation as the sasquatch girl for quite some time. Those things tend to stick with you.

So today I'm bleaching my arm hair, as to disguise it. Being teased for having body hair, like all mammals do, stuck with me. So I bleach. The pain was noteworthy. It was particularly unbelievable. It felt like an army of flesh eating ants were running rampant on my forearms, feasting away at the tender skin. I tried to distract myself by pacing in circles in front of the clock.  You have to wait 8 minutes for the bleach to work and it was a long 8 minutes.  The pain was excruciating. I knew the masochist inside endured the entire 8 count even when my hair had already appeared to turn blond. No mishaps would occur on account of technicalities.  Not on my watch. 

As I rinsed the potentially long term damaging chemicals from my flaming red skin, I reflected, all this torture...and for what? The bleaching, the waxing (done that too and I'll tell you it's no walk in the park), the tweezing, the dyeing, all for what? Wanting to look better is one thing, but the reasoning behind this also goes along with the conclusion that I've drawn up, which is this: there are too many of us. Women. Too many of them. Too many beautiful women, dang it! Too many!

Has anyone else noticed that the ratio of attractive women to men is devastatingly off these days? As I wander around my college campus, searching for some kind equality in the quality of appearances between the sexes, I am tremendously disappointed. It must be great for men who have their variable pick of the good looking litter. Women on the other hand, get the short end of the stick. They're forced to compete fiercely amongst each other for the male, which can get downright ugly. Enter tweezing, waxing, dyeing, dieting. This invariably leads to a higher ratio of attractive women.  It's not science.  You can pretty much go from a 7 to an 8 in full makeup. Female population numbers are significantly higher, but why? Well I'll tell ya.

This may not be news to you, but perhaps to some. Seeing as though the Y chromosome has been the main proprietor of the earth's destruction and all, I think mother nature finally decided to get rid of the problem by getting rid of the source of the problem. Who knows if men will become entirely wiped out in the future. Of course the entire human race will be wiped some time in the future, that's the goal, but this time it won't be women and children first.  Calling all men! Your days are numbered. Tis' a shame. Yet as long as men continue to lead wars, rape and create ridiculous modern intelligence, their chances of survival dwindle.  One does not live to speak of the wrath that is Mother Nature. And as the Y chromosome dies off, women might continue to evolve into super beings. I can see it all now. The planet consists of bionic females with killer good looks, tremendous physical abilities, cunning, super powers and a bravado wit to boot. Of course we'll continue our legacy with a vile of sperm we wear around our necks, biogenetically engineered, for us, by us. I'm not suggesting we will make the sperm from scratch mind you.  That would be superfluous. Of course we saw the death of the Y chromosome thing coming and thought ahead. Call it, saving for a rainy day if you will. And I will.

Wednesday, November 03, 2004

non middle america mourns...and i'm pissed

It's an abomination is what it is. How stupid do we have to be to vote Bush into office again? This thought is neither new nor profound. I think this question has crossed many peoples minds today. So then how in the hell did this happen? Even with the big stink that was made about voting, Bush still won. Puff Daddy himself even led the "Vote or Die" crusade and it was all for nought. Sorry Puffy. We let you down. There are too many farmers out there and they overpowered the democratic vote. And what I mean by farmers is any population that lies between Los Angeles and New York. All farmers. Middle America doesn't care if some black man draped in bling bling tells you to vote for Kerry. The real strategy would have been to choose a leader to sway all the farmers away from the darkside. Someone they can relate to and look up to. Someone they can trust. John Denver or something. The Dixie Chicks...I don't know.

And shame on Florida. What a bunch of retards. Didn't they learn anything after the last elections fiasco? Didn't the US as a whole learn anything in the past four years? It's apparent that Bush is not a top notch speaker, decision maker, or president. The fact that Bush won the electoral vote is one thing, but the popular vote too? Inexcusable. He fooled us once, shame on him. He fooled us again, shame on us. I believe that's how the saying goes.

Then again, Kerry sucks too. And he's a big puss for conceding. I'm so mad at him for that. Quite frankly I wouldn't be surprised if there was a big conspiracy going on there. Something just smells fishy. Why would Kerry concede so quickly? Wasn't he sort of friends with George W? Hmmm. Anyhow I'm glad I didn't vote for him. He didn't deserve my vote anyway. Kerry was merely Bush lite. I went ahead and decided to not vote "strategically" like a lot of people did. I voted Green. Not that this makes me better, but I think that people should just vote for who they really want to. I liked what the Green party had to offer so I voted for David Cobb. Idealistic? Maybe. Dreamer? Perhaps. But if more people thought this way then a difference could actually be made. Ok, I'll vote for the second guy because I REALLY don't want the first guy to win; even though the second guy sucks too. I don't want to "throw away my vote" because the independent party isn't going to win anyway. Bullshit! Why don't the fucking presidential debates include the running mates from the Libertarian party, the Independent, Green and Peace and Freedom party?! That's not representative! I'm very upset! Have these other party's no voice?! How else will they be heard?? Of course no one takes them seriously! Of course no one votes for them! We don't even know what they stand for! Fuck.
We are so run by the ideals of conformity. You have to be either Republican or Democratic to be President. There is no room for in between. And people continue to be complaisant and feed into these ideals. Bunch of sheep. Baaaaaaaaaahhhh.

Well I am very embarrassed of America. We must look soo dumb right about now. Once again, the yokels ruined it for everyone.