Monday, December 19, 2005

fecking eww

What is it about finding a random finger nail that's so gross? I just found a nail by my computer and it nauseated me. Who did this nail belong to? What kind of riff raff just leaves a finger nail lying around in a public computer lab?? The worst part about it is, wondering whether the nail was severed from a finger or a toe. Toe nail tips are by far the most disgusting random discovery. The problem is, you can never tell between the two and you always just assume the worst; you found a toe nail. Hideous. Why are broken nails so gross? They are filthy and yellow, with crud residue stuck to their underside...but we all cut our nails and whatnot. I guess the difference is, some people have the decency to throw that shit in the garbage and some filthy animals just leave that shit lying around. Absolutely appalling. Now I've lost my appetite. Thank you.

Friday, December 02, 2005

i like to eat my hat

MMmm. My hat is tasty. It better be since I am eating it.

I vowed to never get a myspace. Guess what? I got a myspace account. I am a fucking hypocrite.

My betrayal is a touchy subject. I frowned upon the myspace world, due to it's high schoolesque consistency. The blogging world was it for me. My blog was not about posting pictures of my butt drunk friends and whatnot. It was about what thoughts I had formed that day or week or whatever. I like to think that this blog has meaning. Nowadays I'm clicking myself into oblivion, being sucked in by the numerous myspacers and their pretty pictures. "You can blog on a myspace", you say? Baloney. The blogs I've seen are only useful in terms of learning how to give a girl head. And if you're pushing 30 and still don't know how to give head, then I'm really sorry.

The myspace thing is one of the reasons why I hardly ever post anymore. Big fat horse ass. I am such a traitor! I must say, however, that I am really bogged down with trying to not fail out of school at the moment, so I got that going for me. Anyhow, as much shit as I talk about the myspace and as big of a cunt I am for going back on my promise that I would NEVER get an account...I kind of love it. It really is addicting, it hurts to say. I think this addiction is a rite of passage of sorts. I have to go through the initial starry eyed thing and then I'll be over it. And when this semester is over, I can get back to posting my deep thoughts. If I have any left...