Monday, December 19, 2005

fecking eww

What is it about finding a random finger nail that's so gross? I just found a nail by my computer and it nauseated me. Who did this nail belong to? What kind of riff raff just leaves a finger nail lying around in a public computer lab?? The worst part about it is, wondering whether the nail was severed from a finger or a toe. Toe nail tips are by far the most disgusting random discovery. The problem is, you can never tell between the two and you always just assume the worst; you found a toe nail. Hideous. Why are broken nails so gross? They are filthy and yellow, with crud residue stuck to their underside...but we all cut our nails and whatnot. I guess the difference is, some people have the decency to throw that shit in the garbage and some filthy animals just leave that shit lying around. Absolutely appalling. Now I've lost my appetite. Thank you.


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