Tuesday, October 04, 2005

how i have always beat the male species at bowling

My experience with bowling for the most part has been limited, but I firmly believe that I have a moderate "knack" for bowling because every boy that I’ve taken on in a bowling match, I have defeated. It all started with my first boyfriend, when he took me "cosmic bowling" at the local bowling alley. It all started out as fun and games, but then old Joe Blow found himself in a tough spot when he was getting killed by his girlfriend in front of all his friends. He said he was letting me win at first, quite nonchalant and confident in the strength of his game. Yet as the 10th frame approached, his nonchalant attitude slowly dissipated and he began to look tense. He was completely concentrated for his next few frames, as he threw the ball down the lane with plenty of gusto and finesse, in the hopes of defeating little old me. Did he succeed? No, he lost actually. It was a ripping victory. There is nothing better, in my opinion, than whooping a cocky male at any sport. Finally, I got the respect I deserved in the bowling alley. Let it be known, Cynthia can bowl.

This clearly was not a case of beginners luck, because the story continues. The next unsuspecting male would be my most recent ex-boyfriend. The poor guy didn’t know what hit him. He was feeling rather confident in his bowling skills because he had defeated me the first game we had played. Once the second game was in full swing, it was a different story. I was picking up spares left and right, clearly beating him by a large margin. There was no "come from behind victory" happening here. I noticed that he was beginning to look a little frustrated and agitated, which clearly didn’t help his game. I truly believe that he was shocked I beat him. So of course, boyfriend wants to make it crystal clear as to who was the better bowler; he wanted to do best two out of three. Now at this point I was ready to quit, but if he wanted to specify who was the real winner then why deny him? I was on a role of sorts; I stayed consistent with my continuous pick up of spares, along with a strike here and there. This guy was completely bewildered and frustrated, and it continued to do nothing for his game. So once again I beat him, best two out of three in my favor. He threw a temper tantrum, just like a 10 year old. Cynthia strikes again, literally.

Last semester I took a no brainer bowling class and I had my share of wins and losses. However, I can say that I defeated some real competition, more than once. I played against a fellow classmate, who seemed to have quite a bit of skill in the ways of bowling. He was able to put that spin on the ball and everything, but even his fanciest moves couldn’t get him out of his inevitable loss to me. He was a good sport about it, and in all fairness to him, he had defeated me in the previous game. The following week I emasculated one of my bowling peers, with my final score of 144, however, I didn’t feel the need to compete with him. There was no need to make him feel bad since his final score didn’t break 100. Thankfully he was also a good sport. As the semester went on and my skills began to refine I found myself playing beside another male, who seemed to be relatively skilled and serious about his game. After we both finished the 10th frame, I could see him looking at me sideways, bewildered that I had gotten a 170 as my final score and he had gotten a 156.

These experiences are all a testament to the ease with which I have defeated the male species in bowling. There are a lot of great bowlers out there, male and female alike. I don’t always win of course, but I usually do. Heck, I even beat our bowling instructor (granted the hefty point margin we're given). Just look at my score card.


Blogger Erikuta said...

Hey wasn't this the paper you wrote for ur class? Cheater! You can't use past things and now post them on your blog. Cmon.

You know you want to get a myspace... stop trying to deny it.

3:24 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

As a matter of fact, I can do that and I did. I'd do it again too. This is MY blog and I can do what I want with it. So kiss my butt. And I DON'T want a myspace. Well not really. I guess. It might be cool, but no. I still don't want one. So there.

8:31 PM  

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