Saturday, April 02, 2005

let them die, will ya?

*Note- If this blog seems insensitive, that's because it is.

A lot of people are being portrayed in the media right now who either died or are on the brink of death. At the same time, the masses seem to be to so unaccepting of their inevitable deaths, so unwilling to face reality. In some cases, the masses are just so darn opinionated on what should happen to these peoples lives, as if they have any say on the matter. That just burns me up. Accept it people...let them die already!

Terry Schiavo's dead. She wanted it that way. And you know what? I would too. I'm a big believer in quality ruling all over quantity. Sure Terry could have lived much longer, about as active as a sack of potatoes, sucking applesauce through a feeding tube, completely unaware of the world around her, but why would she want to? What kind of life is that? I would rather die than be a vegetable; wouldn't everyone? In the good old days, Terry's tribe would have left her die of course, but her memory would still be sacred and dignified. Not like those images of her portrayed by the media, where she's frozen stiff, mouth agape, drooling; hideous and undignified. Have these people no remorse? That whole episode was pretty unfair to that woman, because she let her wishes be known in writing and everyone had to make a public stink about it nevertheless. Her family should be bitch slapped backwards and forwards. How selfish does one have to be to want to keep someone alive, although they're miserable, just because they would "miss them"? Aww shucks, I can't hug their lifeless body anymore. Gee, I can't be near her in her near deteriorated state. Aww poo. Get over yourself! Let the poor woman die. Who's worse than Terry's selfish family members, who tried to keep a comatose woman alive for their own guilty pleasure? The naysayers.

Those no good naysayers protesting and judging. All those shmoes who had no relation to Terry Schiavo that made it known that they didn't approve of her feeding tube being removed should mind their own damn business. Especially the ones who are actors and actresses that use their fame as a platform to force their meaningless and unwanted opinions to be heard. For instance, Mel Gibson and the wife on "Everbody Loves Raymond". I loathe those two. I especially loathe the actress from Everybody Loves Raymond because she did commercials for Albertsons grocery stores when their employees went on strike due to poor wages. People like them can't resist casting judgment, as if they are so perfect and qualified to flap their gums on the matter. Fools! Who are you? You are just a bimbo actor, so who cares what you think. Next topic.

The pope's dead. Let's put him in a glass chamber and stare at him, see if anything happens. Sounds like a good idea.

Jeez. I'm going to hell. But honestly, that's kind of morbid. Surely not my idea of a good time. Why would you want to go stare at a dead body? I don't care who it is, it's still knarly. I guess it's sad that the pope died, but let's be real, he was due. He looked pretty bad and you couldn't understand him anyway. Besides, he lived a good life. Life wasn't too bad at the Vatican. Pretty decadent if you ask me. He had everything he needed...except for one thing, but that was his choice. Let's not fall apart here people. The pope had a good run.


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