Wednesday, June 23, 2004

the games we play

Is it a cultural thing or are all humans inherently antisocial? You've experienced it, you're walking along minding your own biz and you spot someone you once knew, or kind of know, went to school with, whatever. Point is you know them. You may not know their life story, but they're a notch above the average passerby. So how come you both walk by each other without saying a word, pretending not to see each other? It's a cute little game we play; you stare at the ground and they try really hard to look preoccupied, straining to find that someone who really isn't there until you pass each other, for fear you may (gasp) make eye contact. Then you might even have to say hi to them. That would be the worst case scenario. Not only is it rude, but it's so darn awkward too. I say it would be better to just say hello. It takes way more energy to go out of your way to avoid the person. Why not just smile and say, "Hi, how's it going?" You don't have to have an hour long heart to heart with them, just keep walking.

I mean it's one thing if that person really doesn't see you or you appear busy and they don't want to bother you. Aside from that, people who pretend not to see you are lame-O. There's this biatch that I always see at the gym who I was friends with in high school, whom I haven't spoken with since, who does the whole "I don't know you anymore" routine. How self involved can one be? Anyone who thinks they are too good to acknowledge another human being is seriously confused about their shit and the fact that it stinks too. It doesn't mean you have to be phony about it either, just polite. Just be polite. Is that so hard? Well biatch at the gym, is it?!


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