Sunday, June 20, 2004

not a movie buff

I recently saw the movie, Saved!, which I found to be quite entertaining and humorous. This may come as no surprise, since I already made my disdain for organized religion known. What really struck me though, were the previews. Man, has the movie industry continued to sink to new lows. What a bunch of crap we have coming to a theatre near us. These new movies include a lot of overly-dramatic pseudo soul searching and recycled themes. I mean how many Victorian era themed movies do we need to see?

The old, "simultaneously flash a bunch of images in the most rapid manner possible" method is widely popular on the big screen, but that doesn't necessarily make the movie appear to be less sucky. I suppose all those enticing images are intended to evoke some kind of emotion, but NAY. I'm not fooled. No siree. I know I'm not the only one either.

A lot of these new movies seem to be composed of a lot of presentation, but no substance. I know this isn't a ground breaking discovery considering that's the basis of pop culture, but it's just such a travesty when considering the money that's spent doing these films. Who approves some of these flicks? For instance, I saw the previews for one that was particularly awful; Will Smith leads the battle against robots gone berserk. Wtf. Robots? Will Smith, you are a tool. I don't respect you. I want you to know that.

Summing up the robot gone bad movie would go something like: bad plot, bad acting, plenty of action, great special effects. Empty entertainment, that's what that is. Kind of like empty calories. Those special effects must have cost a pretty penny too. What a waste of money. On top of that, I bet that navel gazer Will Smith got paid lots of money. That makes me boil.

Which brings me to my next point, why do actors get paid so friggin' much? Why do athletes get paid so much? The entertainment industry as a whole gets paid way too much. This ties into the distribution of wealth being grossly disproportionate as a whole. People with more important roles in our society who contribute to a greater cause don't get paid squat, yet cokeheads like Ben Affleck have a summer home in Georgia and a Manhattan penthouse and yada yada yada. It just aint right.

How can this be explained? The water-diamond paradox. How is it that water, a resource which we cannot live without costs a dollar per bottle and a diamond, which we can go a lifetime without, costs thousands? Scarcity has a lot to do with it, since water is far more abundant than diamonds, as you probably know. Perhaps this may not fully explain why actors get paid more, because they certainly aren't rare. They come a dime a dozen, in LA at least. One thing does hold true in regards to the water-diamond paradox however; most of the actors and celebrities out there, despite their net value, we definitely can go a lifetime without.


Blogger Cynthia said...

i thought this day would never come

3:25 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

now if only you could spell my name right

11:13 PM  

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