Tuesday, June 08, 2004


One of life's biggest problems. It seems to seep its way into every arena. Even academia. The university system is inherently evil nowadays. Well, I suppose it's always been inherently evil. It used to shut out minorities and women in the past and it probably still does. It's becoming more of a profit making scheme than anything; a very lucrative business. It's a darn shame though. We're paying quite a chunk of change for it...take a look at the skyrocket in tuition, out of state fees and private school costs. And what exactly is the difference between private college and state college, besides the price tag? Why is private school much more expensive? I've got a friend $100K in the hole because of private school tuition. Is she worried about finding a job? Absolutely. I don't think she should be feeling that way. At that amount of tuition she paid, there should be an included guarantee of employment upon graduation. Doesn't that sound fair? Nevermind. That's a stupid question, I'm sorry I asked it. I will say though, that private school kids are not guaranteed success with the amount they shell out, but I'm sure they're receiving better treatment. State schools are so overcrowded since not everyone can afford or is not willing to borrow money for private school (rich getting richer, poor getting poorer) so that pretty much means special treatment is out of the question. My school is a dog-eat-dog world because of high demand and low supply. Administrative attitudes are so impersonal and cold. If you come to them with a problem, their way of solving it is to redirect you somewhere else. There are actually two main phone numbers to the school which everyone gets filtered through and if you listen carefully, each will tell you to call the other number for help. I see students AND teachers around me getting screwed over all the time. For example, some fee increase proposals and ideas are put out to the student body as a choice, in the form of a popular vote. Majority rules, end of story. However this year, the president of our school decided to overturn a vote for NO increase on a fee that would contribute towards the budget for the athletic department. Hello, uh, I didn't think that was allowed. Though I suppose since he is the president he has that power, because he is God himself lest you forget. It's also a little uncanny that he chose to overturn a rejected fee increase for the athletic department of all departments. Why not overturn a rejected fee increase for the art department or something we're actually good at, because it is my understanding that my school sucks at sports. It's not that the athletes have it bad either; I've seen their weight room and it's not too shabby. Wanna know why this happened? Corruption, that's why. Pressure from the athletic department, a payoff perhaps (these are all just theories, not all theories pan out). A vicious cycle. But I firmly believe that the people will prevail. I still hold on to my copy of the "Kiss My Aztec" as hope, which is a mock rendition of "The Daily Aztec", our school newspaper. A handful of censorship bandits pulled the greatest stunt and handed out oodles of this literary masterpiece on the free speech steps. It was quite vulgar, politically incorrect, raunchy and completely hilarious; a 1st amendment lovers paradise. It included letters sent by the Kiss My Aztec staff to the Daily Aztec staff, about the opinion editor, Joe Zarro. It went something like this:

Dear Daily Aztec,

Joe Zarro sucks donkey dicks and fills his lame fedora full of donkey cum and that's why he's such a fucking donkey fucker.

The Kiss My Aztec Staff

The newspaper also included a free self addressed cut out post card, which they discouraged you from cutting out and mailing, that included a picture of President Weber's head superimposed onto Da Vinci's statue of David. They cut out the part where the penis was supposed to go and proposed a "Draw Weber's Cock Contest" which you were, once again, discouraged from cutting out and mailing.

Thank you Kiss My Aztec staff, for pioneering the revolt against censorship, complaisance and all things corporate. Hooray for solidarity! We will prevail!


Blogger Mike said...

Um, I don't mean to ignorantly criticize or anything ... but, could you please divide your posts into paragraphs? There are few things more laborious to read than a big block of unpunctuated text. Um, thanks...

5:14 PM  
Blogger Mike said...

good though, raj against tha machine!! (or, welcome to the institutional world of colledge - I always thought that managing to look after any administrative matters was some sort of personal test of dedication...)

5:17 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

i suppose you're right. it IS pretty hard to read a huge paragraph without losing your place and whatnot. i will implement your suggestion into my future blogs.

11:40 PM  

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