Tuesday, April 11, 2006

your favorite place to view porn? the library of course!

Tonight I witnessed something horrendous. It seems that all things filthy occur most frequently at my university's library. Long ago I heard folklore of the "gunslingers" that hid on the fifth floor of SDSU's lone Love Library, who would seemingly jerk off to their hearts content at any young piece of muff that walked by. Soon I witnessed a parade of sorority girls taking a field trip in the library's computing center. Then I found a severed toenail by my computer. What now, you ask? Well I tonight's calamity was the apex of all calamities.

I am studying marine algae. My intentions are pure tonight. Well, they almost were, until it is brought to my attention that the man sitting at the computer across from me is viewing porn. He navigates through website after website of young Asian snatch and peach fuzz covered scrotum's. Apparently he doesn't discriminate. His strategy is solid, because he's got a decoy screen ready, so when he feels the slightest inclination that someone is approaching, he clicks on the window at the bottom of the screen displaying the University homepage. When his tensions ease, he goes back to spying porn.


Let's not be hasty; I'm no puritan. I like porn too. You bet I'm a fan. SO? Well, I don't look at porn while at school or work. That's just rude. But I suppose that goes without saying. Very well then.

I consider narcing him out, but I would feel badly about telling poor old Mr. Mgee about the degenerate across from me. How awkward would that be for Mr. Mgee, poor old chap. After a while I forget about this guy, and continue studying. He's pretty balsy for looking at porn at the University library, but I let it slide...this time.

Well I shouldn't have. My study buddy suddenly perks up in regards to Mr. looks at porn at school, asking me if I saw his antics. Hell yeah I says. But what I didn't see, however, was when he stuck his hands down his pants and yanked on his wiener until he came all over himself, then proceeded to wipe his giz on his jeans and go take a nap afterwards on the library couches. He might as well have had himself a cigarette too. What a filthy fucking animal.

This is the riff raff that hangs around my campus, yup. Real nice. Who gets off in a school library?? I mean really. Who does that? Who nuts themselves at a public computer station? You don't manipulate your genitals in public. You just don't.

Well I caught up with the guy later in the Reserve Book Room when the library closed. At this point my study group and I decided to rat him out for sure. We saw to it that he was expelled from the premises. I still shudder at the thought of his happy ending occurring at computer cluster 8. Sick fuck.


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