Wednesday, January 18, 2006

say thank you, bitch

I hate it when people don't say thank you. Especially when they sneeze, and you don't even know them, but you're feeling kind enough to say "bless you" to them and they just sit there like a lump of shit that was dropped in a barn. You know you said it loud enough for them to hear it, so why aren't they responding? Because they're fucking rude, that's why. Here's another one that makes me burn like a venereal disease would in the loins of a two cent hooker. I hate it when you hold a door open for someone and they smoothly walk right past you without even a second look, as if you were wearing a monkey suit and made a living holding doors open for fuck tards like them. What now, I was supposed to waste 3 seconds of my day holding a door open for you, without even as much as a thank you? It is especially agitating because you made it a point to stop and wait for their arrival, and they don't acknowledge that you totally went out of your way for them. Show some appreciation bitch! How dare you take humanity for granted! See this is the problem with people. They are so damn spoiled. They expect the way to already be paved for them. They don't think about what's being sacrificed for their convenience, even if it's as inconsequential as me standing there like a tool holding open the door for them. A simple, "thank you" goes a long way. I don't think people realize this. It will not take your life away if you let out a "thank you" once in a while, you boogers.

Oh yeah, and fuck you if you don't give me "the hand" when I let you go in front of me while driving. For those who aren't aware of what I'm talking about when I say "the hand", I mean simply making a gesture with your hand, comparable to the motion you would make when you wave or say "stop" and put your hand up. For example, if someone was to allow you to change lanes in front of them, the proper usage would be to hold your hand up to your rear view mirror, as a simple, "thanks, you're swell for letting me cut you off." Anything else would just be uncivilized.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good on you, that really needed to be said. It seems like so many people today have no manners whatsoever. Its like they were raised by wolves. Where's the Humanity?!

3:34 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

I don't know, anonymous. I just don't know.

5:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh comon cyndi, you know very well where is it! it's not here atound us, that's for sure. like this, right on spot as always. hanica

4:33 PM  

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