Friday, February 10, 2006

always trying to look cool and always failing miserably

I went surfing at 8am today. An ungodly hour to get in 50ºF water I would say, so that's why I showed up late. You see I'm enrolled in Advanced Surfing at SDSU. I'm a super senior and I will be graduating this May. That's why my curriculum includes difficulty level 0.5 out of 10 classes like surfing. And that's why I went surfing at 8am. Otherwise there's no fucking way I would willing get up at 7 am to get in 50 degree water. I did it nonetheless, and I felt cool. I felt like a real surfer, perse. I actually stood up on the face of a wave, which is quite a feat. As I wrapped up a successful day of surf, I made my way over to the showers to rinse off my board and feet. Still feeling pretty cool, I down graded to not even quasi cool, as I slipped on a puddle of water and fell down on my butt--surf board and all. It was one of those falls, you know those, where you can really do nothing about it but succumb to the loser factor. I sat there for a few seconds, on the floor, while the locals snickered at me. One guys asks me, "Are you ok?" YEahh. I duck my head in shame and speed walk away, defeated. The locals begin to laugh in a not so inconspicuous way, in a more boisterous I failed miserably yet AGAIN, in my quest to seem "cool." Someday fuckers, someday.


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