Monday, October 17, 2005

alpha phield trip

A pile of about 50 sorority bitches just paraded past me in heaps up the helical staircase of my university library. As I slowly crept down the steps, continually losing momentum due to my stupified awe, only further rendering me helpless, I stared and stared. They came in swirls, like a swarm of locusts, a blur of noisy chatter, goucho pants, glossy lips and perpetually tossed platinum hair. "What the shit?", is all my brain could conjure up. What the hell are they doing in a library all at once? Stone faced and full of loathing, repugnance and spite, I met their glances with glassy eyed hatred. They and I interfacing is comparable to a Bloods vs. Crypts face-off. My predetermined disposition was received by the wide-eyed unknown; vacant and artificial. A deer with pointy toed shoes and mascara gooped eyes if you will, staring into the headlights of my Buick. And I charged forward, mercilessly.

I mean what was that a sorority hazing nowadays merely a means of torturing these girls by making them go to the library? I remember the good old days when they used to initiate sorority girls by binge drinking cocktails spiked with GHB and serving as muppets for the frat boys. Is nothing sacred??


Blogger Erikuta said...

I know what you mean... god I can't stand them sometimes. I mean it's like, do they like to be looked upon as a piece of ass or what? Frankly sometimes I can't see any other point for those things.

10:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that, as a member of Alpha Beta Theta, I am surprised that you would view us as you have. In recent years, we sorority girls have been striving to improve in both academics and image. In fact, I would venture to say that if we were to discuss grades, knowledge, and overall culture, most of my sisters would trample over you. I say this with the utmost of respect and only because of your derrogatory comments and your utter disregard for the Greek tradition. Besides, if you want to talk about being looked upon as "pieces of ass," or "puppets," what women has not been treated like this during one point or another in their lifetime? I prefer to think of it as gaining an equal footing to men. After all, why do they get to choose who they sleep with and then brag about it or never call? Sound familiar? If the college years are the time when men experiment with various sexual partners and aggresive partying, why shouldn't women? You seem to be under the impression that sisters are forced into certain situations, when in fact, we particpate of our own accord. Regardless of what you think we do or don't do, it is our choice and I, in particular, enjoy a good fuck!

4:37 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

awesome. jolly good show m'lady. you enjoy that good fuck! you've earned it. you were kind of reaching with the "your sisters trampling me academically" thing, but fair enough. i actually have a friend who was in a sorority. her name is marta. she's a super genius AND she's pretty (and not to mention blonde) so it seems they broke the mold when they made her. hey, a few slip through the cracks from time to time! anywho, i'm ecstatic at your rebutal because i love to get a rise out of people with a decent IQ, which is what this 'ol blog is all about. my disdain for sororities and all the dirt slinging that went along with it ("puppets" & and "ass pieces") is not geared towards solely towards women...i think fraternities are just as despicable. frat boys are generally a breed of neanderthal fuck tards. notice the word, generally though, there is always an exception to the rule. i'm not closed minded enough to think that ALL sorority sweethearts are a bunch of brain dead bimbos, i just feel the greek life is a fabrication of friends, sponsored by good 'ol Andrew Jackson and Ben Franklin. why would you pay for friends? look i'm sure it's freakin' awesome going to mixers and whatnot but why pay to do so? eh what the hell do i know? my point is, though i will not apologize for what i said, because i run this friggin' blog and i make no apologies, i respect you and your right to party aggressively in the Alpha Beta Theta house. my insults were merely for effect. it adds zest to the post, i would say. damn this is a long comment. it's so exciting!

1:34 AM  

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