Sunday, June 26, 2005

dick whipped

(Males, avert your eyes)

Don't be a dick whip...whip that dick!

I'm tired. Tired, tired, tired. This has gone on long enough. For decades, we've been screaming out for respect, for women's liberation, but when will that really happen? When's gonna be our time??

Pat Benetar once proclaimed that "love is a battlefield" and she ain't kidding. I've seen women around me fall victim countless times. I've lost many a member of the platoon that is my sisterhood, to the dick. When will we realize, as a unified gender, that we hold the power and we don't need to succumb to the penis like we do? We don't literally have to whip that dick, but we can at least demand equality and fairness. We can stop being grown women behaving like teenagers who've gotten their cherry popped for the first time. We can still carry on with our usual extracurricular activities outside of being dick whipped every second of the day. We can still hold a little personal power, ya know.

What do I mean by the power, you ask? Well it's very simple. It's our vaginas.

You see the vagina is a magical thing. It's a magical, beautiful thing that can never be substituted. Clearly it is always imitated, but never duplicated. The vagina makes things happen. In a sense it moves mountains, parts seas; the eagles cry even echoes out over the tree tops: V-A-G-I-N-A! All that folklore you heard about Helen of Troy having a face that launched a thousand ships is a nice fairytale. I would say that Helen of Troy's pussy launching a thousand ships is 10 times more believable.

Don't believe that I am discrediting the dick. I'm still very much a fan. It has a strong presence, with it's protruding nature and explosive behavior. It's a fierce and powerful piece of equipment. No one can ever take that away. But the's like pixie dust. Just sprinkle it ever so lightly and your victim will soon be under a spell. Human beings spring from it for gods sakes. Do we females realize this? I don't think so. That makes me sad.

I'm not asking anybody to be a tease and play games with the vagina, because that's not ethical and I usually don't like to promote a lack of ethics. All I'm asking is for us to analyze exactly how large a portion of ourselves becomes compromised in our relationships. Are we accomodating a little more than we normally would, all in order to please our partners? Are we giving up a type of lifestyle or a set of hobbies we used to enjoy for our mates? Are we getting more conservative by the minute, in order to fulfill those good girl qualities that are in such high demand? Are we doing this while pretending that we don't care? C'mon ladies. We didn't need to do all that.

Many of my male friends have admitted that it is indeed the female who decides how fast things move, in addition to when, where and why. So how is it that we are throwing this precious punany treasure around like it's no ones business? We are simply not understanding, let alone utilizing the power stored in the love box. When men question each other in reference to their manhood they ask, "where's your balls?" Today I pose the same question: ladies, do you have a vagina? Ok. Then show it some respect.

If you knew how much you could do with your twat and how much more you could do without even using it at all! Wowee. We fall into the dick whip trap and degrade ourselves all day long, along with abandoning all prior reason and morale, because we place our vaginas in the subranks; right below the dick. Ain't that a bitch? Yep, I think so. This way, we've just allowed our mates to think that they are better than us. And their genitals are better too. Say it. You might as well. Joe Donut says he doesn't want you going out to the bars with "your girls" because he thinks they're tramps and doesn't want their ho-bag qualities to corrupt you. You suceed. Guess what that means? Your self esteem sucks. Your pussy sucks too, because it does nothing for you. It can't even get you a measly night out with the girls. Soon you have no friends. Joe Donut isn't stupid enough to ditch his friends for you though, oh no. When he decides to go out "with the boys" one night you'll be left sucking down a six pack of Rasberry Smirnoff Ice through a straw, watching re-runs of "Saved by the Bell", all alone, waiting for him to come home. You disgust me.

This topic strikes a cord with me, well because I've been there. But if I've learned anything over the years, I realized that the power stored inside the vagina is strong and if you know how to use it, you can stop your mate right in his tracks when he tries to pull some hagard stunt on you. Use of the brain is also helpful. But that goes without saying.

A couple must take turns having the upper hand. In a relationship, one should not always be at the others beckon call. Subserviant is not hot. It doesn't have to get to the scenario I described above, and even if it does, it's never too late to change the situation. Dignity and the like doesn't have to be compromised. There's a lot of weeny out there; we don't have to flings ourselves atop the first one that introduces itself. I know the male to female ratio's are off, but please, let's behave like they're not for a second. Unless you truly enjoy cooking pot roast butt naked and getting blasted in the face with sperm soon after that, don't feel the need to falsely fit the profile of "the perfect woman". You know his ass ain't perfect.


Blogger Cynthia said...

ahh yes, but it goes both ways doesn't it? the female gold digger is a more highly documented case, is all. money, well it's a price men pay for puss. they should be used to that. besides, if they are shelling out the dough for a broad it must be because the only skill she has is her VAG. women who use their brains, like i implied they should, require more than a guy with dough. peep that.

10:50 AM  
Blogger Mike said...

I'm going to email you my friend's Master's Thesis proposal.

7:58 PM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

jeez, cisco, you sound pretty bitter. you should stop dating superficial girls.

women are catty. men are egotistical. so what? it's sad that women are working against each other these days, but the human race as a whole functions the same way. besides, men can be some the biggest gossips/shit talkers out there. i'm sure you been in a locker room, you all are worse than a sewing circle. and as bitchy and competitive as women can be, if they were in charge, the world would still be less dysfunctional.

11:35 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

i can unfairly generalize too. and may I also add that you completely and utterly digressed from my point (women should have some pride and not place their self value in the hands of a man who doesn't respect them). off on a tangent much? i'm sorry, but the catty, beautiful and brainless creatures you describe never had a damn thing to do with my role as a submissive and oppressed girlfriend.

11:11 AM  

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