Saturday, September 18, 2004

mice scare me

We all experience moments were we get lost in what we're doing, immersed deep inside our bubbles perse. For instance, do you ever find yourself so lost in thought while driving that after time (t) passes you stop and realize, "where the fuck am I?" You don't even realize where you are on the freeway. Sometimes we miss the exit, but for the most part we robotically know when to get over. Today I changed into the fast lane without even knowing I did it. All I remember was being in the second to the fastest lane and then suddenly I was in the fast lane. Pretty scary eh?

A few songs come to mind in these situations.

One by Atmosphere, quotes, "I'm surprised more of you don't get hit by cars, missing your surroundings, staring at the stars..."

Another would be by a totally radical band by the name of The Talking Heads, which I don't know the exact words to, so I won't bother erroneously quoting it. But it entails the guy asking himself, this is not his beautiful wife, nor is it his beautiful house, so how did he get there??

We can't be too sure how we do "get there" sometimes, but that time in between getting there is either spent blissfully and conveniently uninterrupted OR it can be doused with an bucket of ice cold reality. Which happens. The driving analogy has been working for me so I'm going with it. You fall asleep driving and you either miraculously wake up unscathed or meet face first with the center divider. Death to you.

That would be the extreme case. I found myself to the far left of extreme recently, but it was still mildly traumatic. I was walking to my car after the gym last week and I had drifted off into la la land per usual. I wasn't really looking at anything around me; I was that deep in thought. Then I noticed out of my peripheral vision that something had sprung out of the bushes and was headed right for me. It was a mouse. The mouse came at me like a bat out of hell and collided with my foot. I had no time to react. At the sight of a mouse, I am the type that will screech like a banshee. Thus, I nearly shit myself a kitten. Plus I screamed. The people walking behind me giggled with glee of course. I guess it was a funny sight, I'll give them that. But they didn't have to be cute and tell me that "it was just a mouse". Clearly it was just a mouse. Douchebag observations not needed. The fact that it was a mouse in addition to the fact that it had invaded my disconnected state of mind by attacking my puma would throw anybody for a loop. I know the mouse was probably twice as scared and yada yada yada, but I don't care, it was still scary. Those little critters freak me out. I'm not afraid to admit it.


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