Thursday, November 12, 2009

There's all different type of persons, but one kind that stands out is the type that deliberately chooses to make themselves suffer. The reasons for this are numerous: you want to keep evolving, you want a story to tell, you want to feel...something, anything, you are a masochist and the always lovely, you hate yourself.

It is these people I find myself drawn to. It is them I admire, that are so courageously in the words of sage old Frost, "taking the road less traveled." Maybe this is because I am of that kind. Maybe it validates me to surround myself with such folk, to feel that I'm not alone. If there's one thing we self induced sufferers do take refuge in, it's not being alone in our misery. But yet in most cases we are alone, no matter how many people surround us. The void is there. Perhaps it's the void that craves pain.


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