Tuesday, December 09, 2008

remember when a dime bag used to cost a dime?

Tough times we're living in. Every morning I wake up to NPR, as if life wasn't bad enough. I'm bombarded with constant reminders of how shitty times are, how emaciated our spirits are, how economically fucked we are. Did you know spam sales have currently skyrocketed as a cause of this recession? And Walmart is thriving more than ever. Grim shit.

I can't get a second job. Anywhere. I keep putting my resume out there. Nothing. No one's biting. Remember when waiting tables was a no brainer? If anything, you could wait tables. Now those jobs are scarce too. Right about now, nothing is sacred. I've gone to a couple interviews lately, for jobs in the food service industry. This experience entails walking into a room of 20-30 people, in suit and tie no less, with portfolios in hand, waiting for a shot at working in the restaurant biz. Lines of people fighting it out. I graduated from college, and I can't get a job waiting on you at the pizza hut. What in the hell is going on? Should I do like wallstreet and jump out a window?

Ok I lied about the pizza hut. These serving positions are a little more high end. But still. The competition for a measly job that would've been easy to get a year ago is fierce. It scares me a lot. Given that I'm considering quitting my job within the next 6 months and giving up stable income, medical insurance, and a free ride education for the unknown...yeah, I'm nervous. Sweating bullets actually.

Or perhaps this "unknown" can be better pegged as the pursuit of happiness. Because if I have to continue spending my days tediously replying to hundreds of e-mails, or answering another phone call with, "Hi this is Cynthia, how can I help you?" I might really jump out a window.


Blogger Erikuta said...

You're on the right track. Have no fear mentor :) You ARE my hero and can do anything. be persistant.

1:43 AM  
Blogger Cynthia said...

thank you mentee. it's people like you that keep me reaching for that rainbow.

9:34 PM  

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